February 27, 2023

Michigan Peace Alliance Statement On Gun Control Legislation
The Michigan Peace Alliance (MPA) is a network of 23 organizations across Michigan that share commitment to end war and violence and the peaceful, non-violent resolution of both international and domestic conflicts. One important concern of the MPA has been to find and to support societal and legislative paths to limit the runaway epidemic of gun violence tearing American society apart. The recent mass murders at Oxford High School and now at Michigan State University, along with less publicized seemingly everyday shootings, have dramatized the need for our Legislature to pass common-sense gun-control laws that can either prevent or limit the extent of such horrors.
Fortunately, Michigan’s Legislature already is considering such legislation. There are a number of proposals that are now before the Legislature. The MPA cannot identify all the measures that may be needed, but some are generally recognized as important and effective. These include red-flag laws, universal background checks, safe-storage laws, a ban on assault-style long guns, and magazine capacity limitations.
The MPA urges its members and all citizens concerned about ending the carnage that unlimited proliferation of guns of all types has inflicted on our communities to contact their state representatives and senators to support the most comprehensive gun-control laws possible.